Golden Papaya Fruit Seed Balls - Just Throw & Grow

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Golden Papaya Fruit Seed Balls - Just Throw & Grow

Package Content - Golden Papaya Fruit Seed Balls: This package contains Golden Papaya Fruit Seed Balls, offering a simple and effective way to grow sweet, golden papayas in your own garden.

How to Use Golden Papaya Fruit Seed Balls: Place the seed balls in a pot or directly in the ground, ensuring that half of the seed ball is above the surface and the other half is gently buried in the soil. Do not bury the seed ball completely. Spray water on the seed ball twice a day until the seed starts to germinate. Be careful not to overwater.

Our Seed Balls are crafted with a special blend of nutrient-rich soil and organic materials, providing a high germination success rate. These seed balls have an impressive 95% growth success rate compared to traditional seedlings. They protect the seeds from common pests like mice, birds, and ants, as well as from harsh sunlight. The seed balls provide optimal care to the seeds until they begin to germinate and grow into healthy, thriving papaya trees.

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The Golden Papaya Fruit Seed Balls - Just Throw & Grow is evocative, to say the least, but that's why you're drawn to it in the first place.

Inventory Last Updated: Mar 04, 2025